Old Fashioned Interview Techniques That Never Go Out of Style

Interviewing can be overwhelming whether you’re a seasoned professional or not. Have you found yourself madly researching new techniques to ensure you’re on top of all the latest job interview trends? Relax, you can rely on some of the oldies but goodies.
Tips like researching the company and interviewers, practicing commonly asked questions, and being prepared with examples of your work are all still important. But there are also some techniques that haven’t received as much air play in recent years. For example, when is the last time you’ve printed off a copy of your resume? It’s almost unheard of with technology at our fingertips.
The latest research shows that there are some old fashioned interview techniques that don’t go out of style. Indeed has a list of 21 job interview tips that are effective in today’s industries.
Here a few tips that you may have thought are old fashioned but are still applicable.
- Print Copies of Your Resume or CV and references. Bring copies to your interview and give one to each person interviewing you. Be sure to bring extra copies in case there are more people in the room than you anticipated. Having a physical copy of your resume or CV is a great way to show that you’re prepared, organized, and confident. Even in the technological world we live in, employers view this interview technique positively.
- Prepare examples of your work. Have examples of your work with you, preferably a copy for each interviewer, whether you’ve sent them electronically prior to the interview or not. You may not have an entire portfolio of work, but consider something you’ve written, a presentation you gave, or a graph of your sales accomplishments. Bring something with you that you can put in your interviewers’ hands. If you’re presenting your work via a PowerPoint presentation, print off copies of the slides to hand out.
- Send thank you notes. According to a study by Accountemps, just 24% of job applicants send thank you notes after interviews. But 80% of hiring managers who receive them say they are useful in evaluating the candidates. Sending a thank you note after your interview via email – or better yet, hand-written – is powerful. This gesture can set you apart from your competition. It shows you care, you’re committed, and you’re appreciative. Be sure to send the thank you note within 24 hours after the interview.
Printing a physical copy of your resume or sending a hand-written thank you note may seem old fashioned, but it shows a professionalism that employers are looking for. Particularly in today’s competitive markets, these techniques will help you stand out. An employer may interview numerous candidates for one position – these tips ensure you are remembered.
Try these interview techniques that have stood the test of time. And let us know how it goes!